Aftersales - Recall
From time to time it is necessary to initiate a Recall or Service Campaign to inspect or carry out work to a motorcycle. It may be purely as a product improvement campaign but in some cases it may be safety related.
A safety Recall is a modification or inspection that Kawasaki have determined to be necessary and will notify the owner of the issue and request you arrange to visit your local Kawasaki Dealer for the necessary modifications to be carried out. Safety Recalls are carried out in accordance with the voluntary code of practise as set out and monitored by the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA).
A Service Campaign may also be initiated when a modification or replacement of a part is required due to a product improvement programme but not considered to be safety related. The work can be undertaken during routine servicing or repair, but we will notify owners to make you aware of the work required.
To check if your machine has an outstanding Recall enter the machine details in the field below for confirmation. The search covers UK bikes only. If you have an enquiry regarding a European bike or need more information regarding recalls call Kawasaki Customer service enquiry line on 01628 856780 or email to customerservices@kawasaki.co.uk
The accuracy of this search is dependent on the vehicle details you have given to be correct. Any incorrect vehicle details may provide incorrect results.